
Kingdoms & Warfare Kickstarter - Late Pledges

Created by MCDM Productions

Kingdoms & Warfare is a 5th Edition supplement for managing kingdoms, playing organizations, and waging war. This page is for anyone who missed the campaign but still wants to back the Kingdoms & Warfare project; it includes all the non-exclusive products we successfully funded during our Kickstarter. Fulfillment will happen at the same time we ship out Kickstarter Backer rewards.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Reprint Update
about 2 years ago – Tue, Jan 24, 2023 at 02:03:53 PM

We have all the reprinted books ready to go, as well as finalized details for shipping.   Anyone still waiting for their goods should get them between now and March depending on where you live.  You'll get an email with final details as rewards become ready to ship. Shipping happens in batches to avoid overwhelming our warehouse team and our customer service team.  

Here is what you can expect:  

European Union - Books will be loaded into large a shipping container and delivered to a warehouse in the EU then shipped locally. This transfer process should take a few weeks, you can expect your email after it is complete and books are ready for last mile delivery.  

United Kingdom - Once books arrive at the warehouse in EU a batch of books will be placed into a large container and be imported to the UK for final delivery. This process will take a few weeks and you will get an email when your book is ready for last mile delivery.  

United States of America - Books are shipping now with a batch leaving each day. It will likely take 6-8 weeks to get through all the orders.  

Canada - Books are being loaded onto a truck in the next few weeks to be taken to a warehouse in Toronto so we can use local post to deliver books at a far more reasonable cost.  

Everywhere else - Books are being shipped now with a batch leaving each day. You can email us if you want to know about your specific order.  

As always, if you have any questions or need help, just email us at [email protected]  

Thanks, MCDM

November Shipping Update
over 2 years ago – Wed, Nov 16, 2022 at 05:25:17 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Shipping Update
over 2 years ago – Sun, Oct 09, 2022 at 03:50:24 AM

Hey everyone! Matt Colville here with the current status of shipping your physical goods.

First, the bad news for backers abroad: international shipping is still a problem, and we’re looking for better solutions that make sense for you and MCDM. The tl;dr is that shipping has gone up astronomically and we need to figure out a better solution for it.

For a longer example, here is what we collected (in USD) for a shipment back in 2020 to Germany:

And here is what we are now being charged just to ship the book:

If you add minis or the GM Screen or the Special Unit deck, it gets even MORE expensive! We are working to find a more affordable way to ship to Europe because these prices don’t make sense for either us or you. If you’re tired of waiting, contact us at [email protected] and we can discuss your individual situation.

Additionally, we have sent several packages out to backers who have not updated their addresses and/or do not want to pay import duties for their packages, which causes the shipping company to destroy those packages. So if you are reading this update, please ensure your address is up to date in backerkit or email us at [email protected].

For the good news, short and sweet:

Stickered books (Option C) are in the warehouse and being entered into inventory. We expect the US orders to start going out this month. If you selected this option please ensure your address is up to date.

The Reprint (Option D) is slated to finish printing in December and should be in the warehouse early January. So expect to see more information around then!

Obviously we wish there was better news, but we have limited powers when it comes to fixing the global shipping crisis.

Looking to the future, Flee, Mortals! The MCDM Monster Book shouldn't face this challenge because we will collect shipping once the books are in the warehouse and ready to ship. This was not an option available to us in 2020.

As always, if you have any issues with this you can reach out to our support inbox ([email protected]) and we'll find a solution for you.

Worldwide Shipping Update and How to Sticker your Book!
over 2 years ago – Sat, Aug 27, 2022 at 04:05:40 AM

International Shipping

Hey folks! We're seeing reports from folks getting emails from their local carrier (DHL Express, for instance) saying "you need to pay import duties on this shipment," often a LOT of money and folks are reasonably suspicious that this is a scam email.

Well, we wish it was! But alas this is a real thing. Various governments around the world have changed how they handle import duties since we originally charged everyone for shipping. We have no control over this stuff.

If you're not willing to pay these import duties (understandably) we enthusiastically offer a refund on your order. You can reach out to us at [email protected] and we can help get this taken care of.

Non-UK Shipping
For Backers and preorders who selected A or B in the survey, or elected to not fill out the survey, your packages are in queue at the warehouse and shipping out at a rate of 1,000 per day!

UK Shipping

Shipping to the UK is waiting on paperwork that is required for us to ship to that region. As soon as the paperwork is completed and filed with the UK government, shipping can begin. While it is a top priority for us, we have no estimate yet on when this process will be finished.

Stickering Your Book
For those who have already received their books, here is a video with instructions on how to sticker your book!

Option C (Stickered Books) Update
The stickering process is wrapping up next week! It’ll take a few weeks for the stickered books to get back to the warehouse and enter inventory. We estimate that you’ll start receiving your packages at the end of September.

Option D (Reprint Books) Update 

This is still in queue with the printer and slated to print toward the end of this year, so do not have any more solid of a date on this as this time.

Stickers and Shipping Update 3
over 2 years ago – Tue, Aug 09, 2022 at 12:02:31 AM

Hey everyone,

I’m Lars, you may remember me from such live streams as The Chain of Acheron and Last Game Wins.

Over the last several months I’ve taken over book production and been working to resolve the misprint issue and we have some good news! The stickers are on the way to the warehouse and we will begin shipping orders that selected option A or B in waves over the next several weeks.

While these stickers are counted into inventory, please take this time to make sure your address is current in backerkit. To do this go to your order confirmation page in BackerKit:

Click on the "Edit Shipping Info" button which should be on the left side of the screen in the "Shipping Info" box

If you need to change your country you will need to email our support team at [email protected] to update it.

The reprint is still progressing and we’re working out a timeline on the book stickering operation. We’ll update you once we have more information on those books.