Kingdoms & Warfare is a 5th Edition supplement for managing kingdoms, playing organizations, and waging war. This page is for anyone who missed the campaign but still wants to back the Kingdoms & Warfare project; it includes all the non-exclusive products we successfully funded during our Kickstarter. Fulfillment will happen at the same time we ship out Kickstarter Backer rewards.
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Update 10: Closing Backerkit
over 4 years ago
– Sat, Jun 20, 2020 at 12:28:09 AM
Hey folks! I hope you all are safe. I think you’re going to get a big update next week where we talk about the core design of the Kingdoms half of Kingdoms & Warfare, it’s in a pretty good place right now.
But first! It’s time to talk about Backerkit!
Most backers have already filled out all their backerkit information, but we’re at the point now where we need to close it out and charge everyone.
Just to be clear, you’ve already been charged for your kickstarter pledge.
Backerkit is where you fill out your address and pay for shipping and also add on anything you wanted that isn't covered by your pledge.
These are crazy uncertain times and we know a lot of people are dealing with hardship, so we’ve been waiting to close out backerkit to avoid stressing anyone out. But we also need to go to our partners and tell them how many books to print and how many of each mini we need. Some of these minis, like the Onyx Dragon, just adding another 100 to the final order would have a major impact on their schedule. Because it’s massive!
So while we’d like to keep the pledge manager open forever, there are production constraints to deal with. Therefore we’re going to close backerkit on Monday, July 20th.
After that, you will still be able to preorder the book and most of the minis. The Onyx Dragon, the leatherette edition of the book, and the Chain World Tour Shirt were the only Kickstarter exclusives.
And eventually, after the kickstarter is fulfilled, you’ll be able to buy everything that wasn’t an exclusive on our store just like regular products.
If you want to see what you'll be charged or make any last-minute adjustments to your pledge, use this site and you'll be emailed a link to do that. You'll still be able to update your shipping address even after we've charged you!
There have definitely been a few weeks in the last two months where lockdown and quarantine took a toll on productivity and I do think we’d be further along if we’d spent the last three months working normally in the office. But! We have made good progress on the design of the book. The testers have chewed on two major revisions to the core domain ruleset and we just added another 10 new testers to give us more feedback!
I feel the core domain management rules are in a good place, and so I’m moving on to revising the Warfare rules. The ones we published in Strongholds & Followers have now been used by tons of people, I get reports from folks on twitter and the subreddit all the time.
But they were only meant to act as a holdover solution for a more robust system. The final system will be faster, we’re eliminating the idea of a successful attack roll that “does nothing,” and we’re going to clean up the Order of Battle so it’s easier to look at how the cards are arranged on the battlefield and tell “who can attack who?” I believe this will also result in dramatic moments in battle such as when your left flank collapses and suddenly your center is exposed. Blimey!
It’s my belief that sometime before the end of July we’ll be able to share some of these rules with you, the backers, so you have a better idea of what you’re getting. “Domain management” is such a broad topic there’s no way to fulfill everyone’s expectations, but like S&F I expect that between organizations and domain skills and the party sheet and battle magic and warfare and new monsters and new items and maybe one or two other things, there will be something in this book for everyone.
Thanks for being patient everyone and know that this book and these minis have been and are our #1 priority and we’ve made a lot of progress.
On, one last thing….
Yeah! Look at THAT! That is a finished, assembled, painted Sryz mini! Sryz is a Steel Devil, modeled andpainted by Jason! Jerry took the turnaround pictures in our new lightbox! Man I am...this thing is really cool. I think it's a little more than double the size of a typical hero mini.
14 of the minis have been modeled and sent to Trenchworx in Utah, the other seven are in various states of completion, so things are moving along nicely.
Thanks for reading this whole thing, look for a new update next week on the rules! I think we've got something cool here, but that'll be up to you to decide!
Fear is the Mind-killer...
over 4 years ago
– Mon, Apr 27, 2020 at 01:02:04 AM
This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.
MCDM COVID-19 Mega Update
over 4 years ago
– Thu, Mar 26, 2020 at 02:28:18 AM
Hey folks! This is going to be a general MCDM update, not just a Kingdoms & Warfare update. Normally I wouldn’t post general MCDM updates on the K&W Kickstarter Page, but I don’t want to have different updates in different places, so begging your indulgence backers, I’m just going to dump an update of everything MCDM is working on, with the K&W stuff near the top.
Obviously “what’s going on with MCDM” is never the most pressing news even at the best of times. But everyone for the next several months will be experiencing disruption and many people will be dealing with enormous, enormous hardship the likes of which only happens once every few generations.
Each of us will deal with this differently, and all of us will be under a lot of stress. Sometimes talking about other stuff, like gaming nonsense, can help take folks’ minds off the news. Well, we got a lot of nonsense to talk!
MCDM Office
On Monday the 9th of March we had a COVID-19 meeting and I told everyone we’d be closing the office after the Wednesday night stream on the 11th and that folks should start self-isolating immediately. So the office has been closed for a while now. I am personally on Day 14 of isolation and I think it’s been 12 days since I last saw another human being in person, even at a distance.
We can all do our jobs just as well at home as we can from work, so this is no great hardship for us. We’re incredibly lucky and privileged to be able to keep working and keep paying everyone. Everything is still in production and we foresee no delays because of the outbreak. Of course, if any of us get sick and require hospitalization, then things could change dramatically. If our printing or shipping partners suspend business, that could affect us. We’ll keep you posted.
Kingdoms & Warfare Pledge Manager
Ideally, we’d be closing the Pledge Manager “soon,” because we need to be able to go to Trenchworx and tell them how many minis they’re making! But given the extreme uncertainty everyone is living with now, we felt like closing the pledge manager (which means charging for shipping, add-ons, etc.) in the next month would just add stress for folks.
So the pledge manager is going to stay open for the time being. We’ll check back in on this issue in May and see where things stand. You’ll get a month’s warning before we close the pledge manager in any event.
If you’d LIKE to finalize your pledge before we close the pledge manager -- which means lock in your pledge from further changes and have your payment method on file charged for any outstanding balance -- send our pledge manager support team a message to let them know you're ready and they'll get to you as soon as they're able:
By the way, you'll still be able to update your shipping address. We don't lock that down until we're just about ready to ship out all the rewards! :) As always, if there's any help you need with your pledge stuff, you can find us at: [email protected]
Kingdoms & Warfare Development: Minis
We are well in-progress on the 21 minis. As you probably know, we start with concept art, then we use the concept art as a guide to create a 3D model, then our partners at Trenchworx use that model to make a prototype, and then move to production which is to say...making a LOT of monsters! :D
Of the 21 minis in the kickstarter, obviously all of them have finished art, you saw it!
10 of them have finished 3D models, and a couple of those are already in production at Trenchworx.
8 models are in-progress being handled by a few different modelers who work for us as freelancers.
3 models are not yet begun. This is an acceptably small number for our schedule.
Here’s some previews of five of the minis that are basically ready for production. I have to say that because we tweak stuff right up until the molds are made.
Seeing these things go from concept to model is pretty remarkable. Wow. Props to the artist and modelers!
Kingdoms & Warfare Development: Design
We’ve done quite a LOT of work on the core design of Kingdoms & Warfare, specifically the Kingdoms part. I’m not going to get too specific in this update because the design has not yet been exposed to Alpha Testing which means it may still change radically.
We brought three designers out to the MCDM offices in January to help with the core design: Makenzie De Armas, James Introcaso, and Sam Mannell. That was fun and productive and I’m pretty happy with where the design is now and excited to test it.
In the current system players create a domain, like an Underworld Syndicate and then choose how that domain is organized. Maybe it’s a Spy Network, maybe it’s a Thieves’ Guild, maybe it’s an Assassins’ College!
Domains have skills and defenses and other stats like Morale and Resources and you use those skills to spy on your neighbors or forge alliances or research lore, among other things.
Most Domains are roughly analogous to PC Classes, but not all of them. One of the domains currently in development is the Noble Court, simulating a Duchy or Barony and a “Kingdom” is just a very large one of those! Size is one of your domains stats and there’s a chart showing you at what size your Noble Court becomes a Kingdom.
The system presumes you’re just playing through a normal adventure, you shouldn’t have to ditch whatever you’re already doing to use this system. Most adventures feature climactic Boss Fights and whoever that boss is, this system presumes they’re the head of their own Enemy Realm, and we provide a bunch of examples of different, iconic Enemy Realms for the DM to drop in without a lot of work.
For instance! If you’re planning on fighting the Scion of Orcus before he opens a portal to hell and summons the Demon Prince of Undeath, well his cult is an Enemy Realm which we’ll provide stats for, and you and your friends can use your domain to spy on him, figure out what he’s doing and maybe even disrupt his plans using your domain’s skills.
When you and your party eventually fight the Scion of Orcus your domain grants you access to a shared pool of resources that do different, cool things in battle depending on which organization you chose when you created your domain.
Because you all share your domain’s pool of power, the system requires cooperation and communication. The domain’s abilities belong to all the officers at the table, anyone can use them. Which should make it feel like you’re all part of a team on a mechanical level.
Your domain’s powers are designed to reinforce the fantasy of whatever organization you took, regardless of class. So your Thieves’ Guild’s domain power might help everyone in the party move stealthily, for example, regardless of class. You could have a Thieves’ Guild without any rogues in it!
Of course, the Scion of Orcus and his lieutenants also have their own shared pool of resources they can use to fuel their nightmare plans. The Intrigues your domain performs before the final battle of the adventure affect this shared pool of resources.
That design is pretty exciting to me, there’s just a ton of cool ways to use the shared power pool, and the potential for enemy realms’s enormous. I think we’re gonna have a lot of really cool enemy realms. :D
So that’s the very high level summary of the Domain rules.
Meanwhile we’re also working on the rules for running a Monoclass Party. A party of literally all rogues, for instance. This isn’t something I think millions of people are dying for, I just think it’s a cool, fun idea and have what I consider to be a solution that will make some people, who hadn’t considered this before, want to give it a shot.
The design uses titles like you may have seen in the Chain of Acheron campaign. There’s no mechanical relationship between this and Domains, you could use these rules to run a party of All Rogues without bothering with a Domain, but they do complement each other well.
First we identify the classic pillars of party design, and then look at each class and determine; which of these are they missing? Then we make titles that let you play, for instance, a tank, or a healer in that party, and each class’s titles are unique. Rogues and Wizards both need tanks, but the Rogue Tank and the Wizard Tank are each tanks in very different ways!
Because these rules require you to be playing a monoclass party, we can make these Titles really useful and effective. The Rogue Title that lets you play the Tank grants you bonuses that would be broken...if there was a Paladin or a Fighter in the party. But these rules explicitly assume you are all playing characters from the same, single class with no multiclassing.
You may already find the existing rules for multiclassing sufficient to fulfill the fantasy of “we’re an order of knights.” This is just another, different way to do it that I think will be fun and exciting enough that lots of groups will at least try it out once.
I can’t say more without going into details about the design, some of which is certainly going to change and we don’t know which bits will change or how much. That’s what testing’s for!
But we hope to have some rules in front of the testers soon, and once they’ve reacted to them, I’ll start sharing some details here, stuff you can actually use probably.
I’m excited as hell, we learned a lot working on Strongholds & Followers and I think Kingdoms & Warfare has the potential to be a lot better, more useful, more universal. We’ll see. :D
MCDM: Staffing Up Freelance Writers
Right now, if I want to work on something like Kingdoms & Warfare, it requires me to make fewer YouTube videos and put my D&D game on hold.
But I don’t want to do that! I want to do EVERYTHING! Well, the good news is, there is a way to do that. Hire more people! :D
I started out in tabletop at a company called Last Unicorn Games and LUG’s system sorta became THE system for a lot of companies where you have a full-time Line Developer for a line of products--in our case the Star Trek RPG, or the Lord Of The Rings RPG--and that Line Developer writes outlines and does the core systems design, and then the books are written by a combination of the Line Developer and a stable of freelancer writers you’ve built a relationship with.
That’s a powerful combination, it lets you get a lot of high-quality content done and we are already using it for Kingdoms and Warfare! We have three great freelancers, the aforementioned James, Sam, and Makenzie, currently working on Domains, Organizations, and Titles for the first playtest.
This means a TON of content for K&W is getting done in parallel, rather than in serial. Because the core design is prototyped out--we have the Underworld Syndicate domain and three organizations under it written and designed--our freelancers can take that and spin out tons more Domains and Organizations.
It also means a better design. With several people working on the same product, each designer’s best ideas inspire the others and the quality of the entire product increases. In my experience, this kind of collaboration produces the best design.
So right now, while they’re designing more Domains and Organizations, I can write this (quite long) update and go back to planning the Heist for THE CHAIN OF ACHERON. This is how things should work and I’m pleased to say it appears as though it’s already working pretty well.
I can foresee a future where, if MCDM has a sufficiently popular product line, we hire a designer full-time to be the Line Developer for that product line. That person would still be working for me, and it would still represent my style and philosophies, but it wouldn’t have to be Everything Written By Matt.
Staffing Up Artists!
Meanwhile, just like we need a lotta writing...we need a lotta art!! Like with writers, we’ll always use a combination of freelancers and full-time employees but unlike writing we sort of have two entirely separate art tracks inside MCDM: illustrations and 3D models. So even though we have one full time artist, Jason, our Executive Art Director, we need another.
So we put out the word on Artstation and got a TON of applications and actually quite a few excellent artists who weren’t interested in a full-time gig but were definitely interested in freelancing, which we can always use more of.
This process continues but I can report that things are moving along well and we have reason to be hopeful that we'll find someone.
This is certainly a very very strange time to be hiring new employees and I thought a lot about it and talked to my friends who run and manage video game companies. They’re still staffing up because the publisher is still paying them!
Even though I had second thoughts...the future is a very uncertain place right now...I thought about that. “Well, the publisher is still paying us!” That put things in perspective for me. We have already been paid to make this book so even though it seems crazy to staff up in these times, it’s what we think is best for MCDM.
We might be able to get Kingdoms & Warfare done without a new full-time artist, but thanks to your support we can afford it and it’s the best way to get the book done, it’s the most efficient way. So I figured, let’s take the risk. I literally thought “It’s what the backers paid us for.”
Running the Game
Working with freelancers is already freeing up time for me to do stuff like make more videos without slowing production on Kingdoms & Warfare, and that process will only accelerate as we iron the kinks out of the system.
It’s very weird for me, personally, to be thinking about making more D&D videos in the middle of a catastrophic global virus outbreak. There’s obviously a performative aspect to recording a video and wow I do not feel comfortable putting on that show right now. Pretending like things are normal and talking about playing games.
But I’m gonna do it. Still have lots of ideas for more videos and thanks to our freelance writers, James Introcaso, Mackenzie De Armas, and Sam Mannell, I have more time now.
I brought home a camera and mic from the office and we have the bandwidth to record videos and send them to Jerry so he can work his magic on them. So it’s technically possible and I have the time.
But the real reason I intend to keep making videos is that someday, the world will go back to normal. It won’t be the same normal as before the pandemic, but I predict people will still want to play RPGs. :D
Some of those people will find the Running the Game playlist and ideally they won’t even know some of them were recorded while the world was falling apart. None of us are promised tomorrow, but today I’m healthy, I got ideas for videos and the means to produce them. So...The Show Must Go On.
“They also serve who only stand and wait.”
Other Projects: The Illrigger
The Illrigger is MCDM’s first custom class, a Knight of Hell. It’s been in heavy testing for several months and we’ve revised it a lot and the version available in our community Discord is, I think, close to final. We may tweak a few things once it gets a wide release? But nothing major is going to change from here on out.
So my work on it is largely done at this stage. Now we want to get some art for it! Illustrations of each of the three specializations, the Shadowmaster, Painkiller, and Architect of Ruin.
You can, right now, join the discord, use the bot to set your role to "Illrigger Playtest", and get access to the current build. I think it’s pretty cool, but then, I would! Tons of people have already used an Illrigger in their game and reported back great success.
The final version of the Illrigger will have finished art and layout just like any other MCDM product, but it will be a free PDF giveaway. Maybe we’ll put it in our store as a free item? But I don’t think everything we do should come with a price tag. Some big, epic projects are good for Kickstarter, some we’ll just make and sell like a normal product, and smaller things like this we’ll just give away.
The Player’s Guide To Capital
This is a 128-page, Hardcover, full-color book we’re working on that gives players and DMs an overview of the city of Capital, the fantasy metropolis in which the Chain of Acheron campaign is set.
It’s mostly background and lore describing the seven great houses who rule there, the districts and neighborhoods of the city, lifestyle, shops, services, as well as a bunch of organizations and secret societies. It will include a map of the city.
There are a lot of player options, including new Titles for PCs who want to be graduates of the Imperial University or the Actian School, a reporter for the Broadsheets or even a knight in Twelve Dragons! And lots of new backgrounds for any character who might be from, or playing in, the big city. We might include a few class specializations, but this is not something to do idly, we’d have to believe we had a strong design pillar on which to build a new subtype.
Now that we know how Domains and Organizations work, we’ll go back through all this and include stats for all the different organizations in the book so folks can use it with Kingdoms & Warfare. Even if you don’t have K&W, just looking at a Domain stat block is hugely informative and you could probably use an organization’s rules from the Player’s Guide to Capital even if you’ve never read K&W.
I don’t know if the title will change? Folks get confused because they think it’s ONLY for players? But obviously, with the sheer amount of info and detail in here, you could easily run a game in Capital using this book.
But we do plan, if the book is successful, on releasing more products for Capital, including stuff tailored for the DM, with encounter design and maps and stuff. Maybe a book of adventures, depends on what people want.
This product was where we tested our ideas about developing a stable of freelancers in preparation for Kingdoms & Warfare. There’s already 62,000 words written for this book, which is probably 75% of the final total and of that, 50,000 has already been given the once-over by me. That’s a lot! :D
We got all that written in, like, 3 weeks. It took longer to write the outline and find the writers! I consider this a huge success, production-wise.
We don’t intend to bring this book to Kickstarter, our hope is that we can just...produce it. Just pay for writing and art and printing and then sell it to people! Like a normal company! :D Hopefully the book will find an audience that makes it worthwhile.
Currently, though, the project is on hold. This book is something I decided was a good idea, there’s no deadline for it, and Kingdoms & Warfare is more important. We used The Player’s Guide To Capital to prove out our strategy for working with freelancers, it worked, and now we’re using that strategy to get Kingdoms & Warfare done, before we go back and finish this book.
The Chain of Acheron
The Chain of Acheron will return!
When last we left our heroes...I was in the middle of prepping for the Heist and that was going well but it was time to get started on Kingdoms & Warfare, so I had to put D&D down for a while.
Keep in mind, the goal of all this is to be able to make videos, stream our game, and make dope stuff like Illriggers and Kingdoms and Warfares without having to pause anything and we are very nearly there. Thanks to our freelancers working on K&W, when I’m done writing this update I can go back to finishing the Heist.
We certainly have the technology to stream D&D with all of us at home, but my gut tells me while the die hard fans would be happy with the Chain in any form, most casual viewers would rebel if they heard the Chain was returning and what they got was a Skype call. :(
But the prep will continue and if I get to a point where I feel like everything’s ready and we’re still in quarantine, I may prep something else we could play over Fantasy Grounds, maybe 4th edition! But that’s only if we got all our other ducks in a row.
In Summary
It should look, from the outside, like it’s been months of nothing from MCDM, but those months are almost over and that time has been spent slowly developing a new strategy for operating that has already paid off in over 60,000 words written for the Player’s Guide To Capital and a prototype for the core design of Kingdoms & Warfare. Between the time I started writing this update and the time I finished it, I saw two new domains and six new organizations from the writers!
As we grow and this strategy bears fruit, you will see a lot more content from us and the system should allow us to make big projects like Kingdoms & Warfare without interrupting video production or our weekly campaign.
All of this is because of your continued support. We are part of a large community and just like every community on Earth right now, we are weathering a storm together. But as long as MCDM has the means, we’re going to keep working.
You, on the other hand, must do what you can to provide for yourself and your loved ones, and take the necessary precautions against infection. Many people can’t work from home, this outbreak is going to disrupt whole industries, but wherever you are, wash your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds, listen to experts, and try to limit your contact with other people to whatever extent you can. Every bit helps.
We’re all in this together. Peace, Out!
The Pledge Manager is Live!
almost 5 years ago
– Thu, Jan 16, 2020 at 02:31:47 AM
Ok, folks after many days work on the part of Anna and Lars and Jason, the Pledge Manager is live! Your invite link has been sent to the email tied to your Kickstarter account; make sure to check your spam/junk folders if you don't see it in your inbox.
This is the site you use to:
Give us your shipping info if you're getting physical rewards
Give us your shirt size and color choices, if your pledge includes a shirt
Pay for shipping if you're getting physical rewards (since this wasn't included in the original pledge pricing)
Update your shipping address in case you move before the rewards are sent out
Customize your pledge by selecting Add-Ons or switching your pledge
When you backed, you selected a pledge level that comes with certain rewards, but you can edit that pledge now, remove stuff, add stuff. Some people backed for $1 with no reward just so they could use the pledge manager to select all their rewards a la carte.
This was a lot of work, because there are many different moving parts. Like, we don’t just add a shirt (which itself takes design and iteration until we love the result) a single shirt is really five different shirts, one for each size. Except it’s also 10 different shirts, five sizes in red, five in black.
And it gets way more complex than that, we have another 30 different add-ons! Each add-on has weight and a size and each affects shipping, and we have to do a bunch of research to figure out “how much do we think this mini is going to weigh? How many parts will it be? How big will the box be?”
Then we ship to dozens of different countries all over the world, and that means building complex shipping tables, each item has a weight, which translates into a cost, and that cost changes depending on where you live.
The folks we partner with for shipping have tables we can use for all this stuff, but their software doesn’t interface with our pledge manager, so we have to enter all that information for every country by hand. This all took a while.
But now it’s all done and the pledge manager is live! It should be pretty straightforward, but in case you want to change your pledge, remove stuff, add stuff, Anna made a short video to walk you through the process.
In case you need text instructions, here's how you switch your pledge:
A: When you click on your invite link, there's a link right below the green "Get Started" button you can use to switch your pledge.
B: After this page, the top of the pledge manager will have a section that shows you your original pledge and your current pledge. Click on the hyperlinked current pledge then on the top-right of the pop-up window click on "Switch Pledge" and you'll be able to switch it there, too.
If you hit a snag using the pledge manager, have a general question, or haven't gotten your email invite by January 20th, feel free to shoot us a message: [email protected]. The pledge manager's going to be around (likely until the end of 2020) so there's lots of time to get things sorted out.
Once things settle down for Backers, we'll be using the pledge manager to start taking preorders from non-Backers for the non-exclusive products. Once that site's up, we'll post about it! :)
WOO!!! 19,000+ Backers!!!
about 5 years ago
– Fri, Nov 22, 2019 at 02:25:48 AM
I know, look, people like to focus on the $$$ that's natural, we see that number and it blows our minds. Matt Colville head of MCDM thinks about the $$$. Matt Colville writer and designer, focuses on the people--you--who are now all waiting for something amazing, and my deep, deep desire not to let you all down.
Last time, it was several months before we had a draft of the rules I felt confident enough in to put in front of testers, I think that's going to be true here too, so it'll be a few months before you start seeing design stuff. But something we didn't do last time, that I intend on doing this time, is using Backer Only Updates to send out beta testing documents, so keep watching this page. Last time, you had to pledge at a certain level to get into the playtest. We do things differently now, so we cab be more free to share early design stuff and get your feedback.
I don't like spamming folks with updates for updates sake, I think it's annoying as a backer and it distracts from the real work, so you're only going to hear from me when I think there's something important enough to talk about. If you're interested in the day-to-day operation of MCDM, you might stop by the livestreams I do? I mean we talk about all kinds of nonsense, much that has nothing to do with anything, but it's a good way to hear about little details that don't warrant an update.
We also have a discord with a great community that you can use to ask questions and usually get a response pretty quick. There's a channel just for K&W stuff! Although there won't be anything major to talk about for a while.
In the meantime, we'll continue sharing the art side of the project. This is a model of Khorak, Jarl of Drengrheim. Modeled by Alfonso Prieto. It's not final-final, Jason always tweaks stuff right up to the last moment, but it looks pretty cool!!
This is cool because when I share the final version, we can talk about what little changes Jason made.
The Pledge Manager will launch in some number of weeks (2 or 3?), I don't know exactly, it takes time for Kickstarter to munge the backer data and then export it into backerkit, but you'll get an email when it happens.
Thank you all for your interest in this product and your support. Some of you are new to MCDM's products, some of you have been with us from the beginning, but we intend to deliver a product that makes you happy; that's fun to read and fun to use and makes your campaign better. Makes it feel like a world, with factions competing for power and influence. Take your cool ideas, your duchies and knights and secret societies, and gives them rules.
Expect to see a Running the Game video on Downtime soon to sort of get people into the "how do I use Kingdoms and Warfare" mindset. :D